General director
Salmin Ilya Olegovich
Essential Elements
TIN 3123104252, TRC 312301001,
Settlement Acc. No 40702810616000001124 in the JSC Vneshtorgbank, Belgorod,
Corresponding Acc. No 30101810400000000757,
BIC 041403757.
Studencheskaya st., 46, Belgorod, Russian Federation, 308023
(8-910)227-28-5, (8-910)227-30-16, (8-910)227-29-27 (Cellular).
CJSC Fuel oil company
Delivery of qualitative gasoline is the priority direction of the company's activity. CJSC Fuel oil company controls the quality of the fuel in the oil product test laboratory of The Shuhov Belgorod State Technological University (Regional fuel laboratory Ltd), the equipment controlling the accuracy of fuel pouring is established on automobile gasoline station.
Joint-Stock Company Fuel oil company carries out the refueling of motor transport both for cash and for clearing settlement; there is a flexible system of discounts for constant clients. Constant clients pay off with “fuel cards” which guarantee real economy of means, the usage of “fuel cards” assumes the total control over any operations of fuel reception and excludes mistakes at calculations. There are 4 petrol and two diesel columns at the gasoline station. Gasoline type 76, 92, 95 is realized.
For convenience of clients there is a shop of the accompanying goods, cafe and certificated car-washing unit on gasoline station. Certification is the best of way to control gasoline station services; it is the best way to satisfy yourself that they fully correspond to the requirements of normative documents. The car-washing unit is certificated by department of certification “State regional establishment” the Center of motor transport examination “Belgorodcenterauto”, the certificate of conformity on rendering of technical service of cars that is clear-washing work is given out.
The full list of services:
- manual washing of a car body, wheel niches, disks, tyres;
- cleaning and wipe of back mirrors, license plates, lanterns, glasses of the car;
- wipe by water absorb napkins of a car body;
- drying of the car, disks;
- interior cleaning.
The construction of a network of refueling complexes in Belgorod and Belgorod region, introduction of uniform system of payments - “fuel cards” providing refueling in many cities of Russia and the Ukraine is planned.