About the holding company > Holding structure > Taxi "Positive" Ltd

General director
Bogashov Evgeniy Vladimirovich
Essential Elements
OGRN 1103123015170, TIN 3123222753, TRC 312301001,
Settlement Acc. No 40702810802070000016 in the NOMOS-BANK in Voronezh, Belgorod,
Corresponding Acc. No 30101810500000000781,
BIC 042007781.
Taxi "Positive" Ltd

LLC "Taxi Positive" is car company to provide taxi services in Belgorod. The company has its own car park which has total number of car Renault 60 and has plan to increase the fleet.
Dispatch center is located in the same complex with facilities for the repair and maintenance of vehicles. The total area of industrial and office premises of more than 500 sq.m. and all buildings are located on the paved land. For the efficient operation of dispatching, dispatch center works using the program "Taxi Master".
All cars are equipped with air conditioner, a taximeter, and a system of satellite monitoring. Manager sees the location of each vehicle on an electronic map of the city online. The client is automatically dialed with the message about the arrival time of the car.
Every taxi driver passes the daily medical checks before starting work and all the cars pass daily technical inspection.
Our regular customers are
Hotel "Bel Otel", LLC "TrediFarm Restourant", LLC "Ob’edinennaya konsaltingovaya kompaniya", School of Foreign language "Interlingva", Dr. Oetker and others.
Information for prospective customers
The price for taxi services is 50 rubles for car supply plus 11 rubles per kilometer of the city and 12 rubles per kilometers outside the city. Payment methods available: cash and cashless.