General director
Volodchenko Valeriy Yurievich
Essential Elements
TIN 3102016742, TRC 311601001,
Settlement Acc. No 40702810516000000869 in the JSC Vneshtorgbank, Belgorod,
Corresponding Acc. No 30101810400000000757,
BIC 041403757

Proletarskaya st., 1, Proletarsky, Rakitnoe region, Belgorod region, Russian Federation, 309300
(47245) 35-138, 35-275
Ceramica Ltd
In 1860 the bricks plant in Belgorod region, Rakitianskiy region, Proletarskiy village put out the fist production, the foreign engineer controlled the production and modern German technologies of that time were used, these technologies survive during centuries and are still actual.
Owned by princess Yusupova the plant was blooming in 1910. All the bricks were specially marked with letters “P” and “Y” and king crown.
At first the mixture is produced than with the help of the press the bar is formed which is the base for green-bricks. The quality of the bricks depends on drying: at first it should be dried in close rooms without draught. For these purposes both the drying rooms and huge area above the furnace under the roof are used. Hearting gas runs through the tunnel dryers and this is especially important in cold weather (early spring and later autumn). Firing is possible only when green-bricks moisture is no more than 8%. The plant working hours from cold weather till new spring depend on how many green-bricks were stored.
Only natural components are used in production of red ceramic bricks Ceramica Ltd that is why these bricks are traditionally ecologically clear construction material. Coal is used as fuel and admixture in bricks as well.
The manufacturing techniques of bricks are strictly observed here, production corresponds to suitable construction marks. In accordance with Belgorod State Technological University developments the necessary organic additives and sand are delivered because local clay is very dense, it needs to be clear. The organic materials and coal as admixture in bricks provide even warming and firing of green-bricks that leads to reduction of breaking weight providing better quality of production.
Test reports of Shuchov BSTU certificated laboratory define production mark of Ceramica Ltd bricks as M100. Demand testifies the quality of production and the price policy of the enterprise: the bricks of Ceramica Ltd are in great demand at the various construction organizations, private persons from Belgorod and Belgorod region.
The present and the future
The enterprise produces up to 15 thousand pieces of bricks per day. There are no sales problems in the company; Ceramica Ltd has already worked on an advance payment. Today 90 persons including engineers and technicians work on manufacture of bricks. It is a solid number of the employed people for settlement with the population in 9500 people. We are trying to develop and vary the manufacture that purposefully contributes to increase in workplaces. There is a shop on grain processing (barley, millet, wheat) with packaging of fine-ground barley, millet and pearl-barley in polypropylene bags. That also supports the manufacturers of agricultural raw material. Manufacture of haydite-concrete blocks in the sizes 20-20-40sm, suitable according to engineering specification for few-storied constructions is restored. The nearest plans are: to execute the adjustment of shop manufacturing shaped roofing leaf from metal thickness from 0,5 up to 1,2 mm.
The goal of Ceramica Ltd is development of manufacture in the complex enterprise releasing building materials. There is one more scale project in perspective: the idea of construction of a new modern factory on all-the-year-round bricks manufacturing is worked out.
We invite all interested persons to cooperation!