Training-exhibition center of Belgorod agricultural academy in Mayskyi is more large object executed “on turnkey terms”.
Work of decoration and installation of decorative lattices during the erection of multi-storey garage parking on Popov Street, Belgorod (CJSC “the Autoparking Central”).
Installation of metal continuations of the unit № 3 is only the small part of scale reconstruction of CJSC “Boiler Plant “Belenergomash”.
Finishing touches in original design of cafe-restaurant “Yubilejnoe” in regional center Birjuch was fulfilled due to the 300 anniversary of the town, it is the best restaurant in Birjuch.
Trimming of the cafe “Yubilejnoe” in Biruch.
The warm passage between buildings of juridical institute across Gorkyi street in Belgorod.
Realized projects
CJSC Construction-Assembly Enterprise
We have constructed “on turnkey terms” such objects as:
- “Multi-storey garage-parking” on Popov street.
- “Training-exhibition center of Belgorod agricultural academy” in Majskyi.
- Ñafe-bar is an extension to the shop № 12 on Kostyukov street in Belgorod.
- Trimming of facades, offices, metal construction and chimneys painting at plants “PK ZMK” and “Enorgomash” (Belgorod).
- Reconstruction of the cafe “Yubilejnoe” in Biruch.
“The warm between buildings of juridical institute across Gorkyi Street in Belgorod”.
The passage is situated between buildings of juridical institute at a level of the second floor, supported by 4 piers of oval section, length 84,077 m. The walls of the passage are made from lightweight metal constructions with a heater inside them; facing layer made from aluminium defends them. Monolithic ferro-concrete ceiling laid on steel decking with warming. The design of the passage is made in the form spatial farm from tubular girder.
Technical data of the object:
- Total land area — 445,6 m²;
- Total passage area — 253,0 m²;
- Construction volume of the passage — 1251,5 m³.
“The training-exhibition center-agrotechnopark of the Belgorod agricultural academy” in Majskyi.
This is a 2-storyed building. The pile foundation with monolithic grillage. Walls: facade is made of brick, metal skeleton faced by sandwich-panels. There is a water-measured unit and thermal account place in the basement. Monolithic ferro-concrete ceiling plates. Self-ventilated roofing is rigid, with light-aeration lanterns. There is an independent transportable boiler-house on the territory near the building.
Technical data of the object:
- Number of storeys — 2;
- Total area — 2624 m²;
- Construction volume — 15168 m³.
“Multi-storey garage-parking (Parking) with an auto show and shop” on Popov street in Belgorod.
Garage-parking on 500 motor vehicles (without cubicles). System of circular motion. The bases: piles. Walls are made from blocks and bricks. Bearing constructions: metal columns and crossbars. Monolithic ferro-concrete ceiling on profile decking. Double-glazed aluminium windows. Roofing is made from profile decking, on an extension it is rolled.
Technical data of the object:
- Number of storeys — 7;
- Total area — 17009 ì².
Cafe “Yubilejnoe” in Birjuch.
Modern building materials and technologies have been used during the reconstruction of the cafe “Yubilejnoe” in Biruch. The ceiling and walls are covered by gypsum cardboard in different levels; the floor is paved from ceramic granite slab and laminate. The handrail of a ladder is made of stainless steel.