Staff policy > Motivation of employees
Staff manager
Belyuchenko Olga Mihajlovna
Vatutina st., 3à, Belgorod, Russian Federation, 308013
(4722) 21-35-32, 20-01-50, 8-910-227-33-84
Employees' motivation
Motivation of work in OJSC Holding company “Energomash-Stroy” is a set of principles and factors closely interconnected with each other, creating backgrounds for promoting company staff to high-efficiency activity.
That is:
- high salary depending on final working results of each employee and staff in whole;
- employee wages is 15-18 thousand roubles, civil engineer is 17-24 thousand roubles;
- extra charges and additional payment for acting for foreman, for the fulfilled hours per night and evening time;
- making conditions for development and usage of creative potential;
- making conditions to the employee for regular and system improvement of professional skill;
- training to trades such as boilermaker, electric welder of semi-automatic machines, electric welder of manual welding, flame-cutting touch operator of "Messer" machines, lathe operator, milling-machine operator, driller;
- making conditions for promotion on job ladder of the master-technologist, manufacture director, leading civil engineer.
It is provided:
- workers delivery by company vehicles;
- health service, regular supervision;
- a high-grade feed in dining room;
- special cloth and means of individual defence;
- safety working conditions;
- special nutrition.
It is given:
- additional paid vacation for harmful working conditions;
- pecuniary aid.
The worker is entitled to receive day release in connection with:
- wedding - 3 days;
- a birth of the child - 2 days;
- for family reasons - about 3 days.